Practical Boat Training Diploma - Day & Darkness

ABC Sailing & Boat School offers two courses in Navigation. The courses offer Practical Boat Training Diploma - Day or Practical Boat Training Diploma - Darkness

Teaching takes place in ABC's course premises and school boats at ABC Marina in Saltsjö-Dunväs, Nacka. A number of courses are conducted as pure distance courses and some as mixed courses with distance sessions/practice in ABC's premises. Request info via email to

Inshore Yachtmaster Diploma Courses (Förarintyg): Practical Boat Training Diploma - Day included. The practical diploma demonstrates maritime safety, man overboard exercise, boat manoeuvring, docking and laying out the dock and buoy, "live" navigation, etc. You can opt out of Practical Boat Training Diploma - Day and receive a lower course price. (see info on each course).

Coastal Yachtmaster Diploma (Kustskepparintyg): Practical Boat Training Diploma - Darkness demonstrates dark navigation with tools, instruments, beacons and safety. It is mandatory that you have both Practical Boat Training Diploma - Day and Practical Boat Training Diploma - Darkness to obtain a complete Coastal Yachtmaster Diploma (Kustskepparintyg).

Välj kurs och kursdatum (klicka på rubrik nedan):

Inshore Yachtmaster Diploma

Coastal Yachtmaster Diploma

Inshore Yachtmaster Diploma

Inshore Yachtmaster Diploma (förarintyg) is a course that focuses on seamanship, safety, navigation, instruments, and environment.

The goal is safe boating on lakes and archipelagos.

Length: 2 days

More information, dates, price and booking

Coastal Yachtmaster Diploma

Coastal Yachtmaster Diploma (Kustksepparintyg) builds on the Inshore Yachtmaster Diploma (Förarintyg) and delves into safety, instruments, navigation in the archipelago and coast day and night, as well as law regarding maritime traffic rules, skipper-owner liability, environment, etc. A Coastal Yachtmaster Diploma (Kustskepparintyg) is required to skipper a leisure boat that has a length of 12 m or more and a width of 4 m at the same time.

Length : 2 days

More information, dates, price and booking

Combination Course 

Inshore Yachtmaster Diploma (förarintyg) is a course that focuses on seamanship, safety, navigation, instruments, and environment.

The goal is safe boating on lakes and archipelagos.

Length: 2 days

More information, dates, price and booking

Inshore Yachtmaster Diploma

Coastal Yachtmaster Diploma

Practical Boat Training Diploma - Day

Practical Boat Training Diploma - Darkness

Do you have any questions?

Please contact us via the link below 

Visiting address: Saltsjöbadsvägen 77-79, 

13335 Saltsjö-Duvnäs

Mailing address: Stallvägen 1, 13335 Saltsjö-Duvnäs 

Phone number: 08-7167140

Mobile number: +46 705 641 620