Alla priser är inkl. moms. Prislistan gäller för bokningar fr.o.m. 1/1 2024 t.o.m. 10/3 2024. Viss prisjusteringar kan göras från 11/3 2024 som då gäller på alla bokningar som görs efter 10/3 2024. Se också booking conditions.
All prices are listed on the respective pages that describe the courses Sailing Camp 7 days Sailing Camp 5 days See also booking conditions.
All prices are listed on the respective pages that describe the courses Sailing course children/youth dinghies 5 days. Sunday-Thursday. Moon-Peace. Stage 1, 2, and 3 courses. Also, course 10 days See also booking conditions.
All prices are listed on the respective pages that describe the courses. Weekend course 1 day (day course), Sailing course keelboat (also dinghy). Maximum course 9 hours. Saturday (or Sunday) Step 1, 2. Weekend course 2 days (day course) Sailing course keel boat (also dinghy). 16 hours. Saturday - Sunday. Step 1, 2, 3. 4 days (day course) Sailing course for adults with keel boat and or dinghy one and 2 men's dinghies. 35 hours. Step 1, 2, 3. 2 day sailing course - dinghy course for adults (day course). 2 man and or one man dinghy. 16 hours. 09:00-17:00 Saturday - Sunday. Leap year sailing course 3 days (stay on board) incl navigation. Friday - Sunday. Step 1, 2 Archipelago course-sailing course 4 days (stay on board) inkl navigation. Thursday-Sunday or Monday - Thursday. Step 1, 2, 3 Combined course sailing course Step 1 + 2 (you book 2 courses), two sailing courses with different degrees of difficulty (Stage 1, 2. For example Weekend course stage 1 + skerg course stage 2. A combined course can be 4, 5, 6, 7 or 8 days/ 24 hours depending on which courses you combine.Combined course (two consecutive courses within a month) gives a 20% discount on the more expensive of the two courses. Combined course Sailing Step 2+3. Advanced course step 2 + Weekend course step 1. Such a combined course can be 5 or 6 days/24 hours. Combination course (two consecutive courses) gives a 20% discount on the more expensive of the two courses. See also booking conditions.
All prices are listed on the respective pages that describe the courses Motorboat maneuvering 4 hours. Afternoon, evenings. Motorboat certificate 2 day. Saturday-Sunday or according to increase. Maneuvering certificate High-speed boats. Saturday-Sunday or according to increase Spec price for private course. Inshore Yachtmaster Diploma (Förarintyg) including boat and Practical Boat Training Diploma - Day y with maneuvering-navigation. 2 day. 18 hours. Saturday-Sunday. Navigation course Coastal Yachtmaster Diploma (Kustskepparintyg) includingPractical Boat Training Diploma - Darkness . 2 day. 22 hours. Saturday-Sunday. Navigation Inshore Yachtmaster Diploma (Förarintyg) +Coastal Yachtmaster Diploma (Kustskepparintyg) 2+2 days including Practical Boat Training Diploma - Day and Practical Boat Training Diploma - Darkness . 40 hours. Saturday-Sunday. See also booking conditions.
Please contact us via the link below for booking and price information.