We offer courses in practical sailing and motorboat manoeuvring
as well as theory and practical courses at sea in navigation.
ABC is run as a family business by the siblings Per Roald and Ulrica Roald, both trained educators active in elementary, high school and university.
No other actor comes close to the number, of course, participants that ABC has trained on board at sea for almost 50 years.
We tailor your conference or kick-off based on your wishes and conditions. Curious to know more?
Våra tidigare seglingsresor se nedan. Västindien: Windward Islands 14 dygn, Leeward Islands 14 dygn. Virgin Islands 10 dygn. Tahiti: Raiatea-Bora-Bora 16 dygn, Tonga: Vavau 16 dygn. Sechellerna: 10 dygn. Kroatsien: 8 dygn. Grekland: 7 dygn. Turkiet: 7 dygn. Skottland: Hebriderna 7 dygn.
Klokt att utbilda sig till att vara säker skeppare eller kunnig aktiv gast ombord!