Inshore Yachtmaster Diploma (Förarintyg) including Practical Boat Training Diploma - Day

Inshore Yachtmaster Diploma (Förarintyg) 2 days, 18 hours course including Practical Boat Training Diploma - Day

After taking a passed test, you will receive the Inshore Yachtmaster Diploma (Förarintyg) and the Practical Boat Training Diploma - Day registered in the certificate book*

*NFB's (Committee for boating education blue certificate book).


Inshore Yachtmaster Diploma is the basic first navigation certificate. The Inshore Yachtmaster Diploma (Förarintyg) provides basic knowledge in navigation, seamanship, and safety and is voluntary for drivers of boats up to under 12 meters in length and under 4 meters in width. Inshore Yachtmaster Diploma (Förarintyg) shows that you have basic theoretical knowledge to operate a leisure boat on lakes, waterways, inland and in coastal waters. 

Inshore Yachtmaster Diploma (Förarintyg) together with the Practical Boat Training Diploma - Day included in ABC's courses corresponds to the majority of the requirements for "Inshore Yachtmaster Diploma (Förarintyg) " that apply to the majority of EU member states.

Inshore Yachtmaster Diploma

Practical Boat Training Diploma - Day

Course length & Price

  • Course length: 2 days.
  • Weekend courses Saturday-Sunday (09-18. Total at 18 hours.) eller 2 vardagskvällar tisdag + torsdag (kl 15.00-22.00 Totalt 14 tim).
  • Examination: Examination av NFB (Nämnden för båtlivsutbildning) utsedd förhörsförrättare erbjuds efter kursen till en kostnad 625 kr per provtillfälle. Prov ges på både svenska och engelska. 
  • ”Båtpraktik dag” så kan du boka tid för båtpraktik  (Pris 1250 kr) och då detta införd och registrerat i NFB:s intygsdokument / bok.
  • Number of participants:4 - 16 people.
  • Previous knowledge: None.
  • Location: ABC Marina, Saltsjöbadsvägen 77-79 Saltsjö-Duvnäs (Nacka).

Kursavgift: 3200 kr inklusive båtpraktik.

2350 kr  exklusive båtpraktik.

(If you don't want to participate in the Practical Boat Training Diploma - Day session to obtain the Practical Boat Training Diploma you will instead get a little more time for wrist navigation practice during the ongoing course).

Båtpraktik: 1250 kr

Practical Boat Training Day alone to obtain the diploma day costs SEK 900. Boat practice is carried out on Sunday afternoons or at extra time.

Private Course

On order from groups (at least 5 people) 2-day course or 2 evening course courses in ABC's premises or on your own premises. Requests for quotation

Distance Course

Theory and practice at a distance + boat practice in a boat (Practical Boat Training Diploma - Day ). The course includes lectures and guided exercises via the distance systems Teams and Zoom. Request information about the date the course runs remotely.

Register here

CourseDateDaysRegister here
Inshore Yachtmaster Diploma (Förarintyg)22-24/4 2025Tuesday + Thursday evening courseSign up
Inshore Yachtmaster Diploma (Förarintyg)26-27/4Saturday - SundaySign up
Inshore Yachtmaster Diploma (Förarintyg)1-2/5Torsdag-fredagSign up
Inshore Yachtmaster Diploma (Förarintyg) 3-4/5Saturday - SundaySign up
Inshore Yachtmaster Diploma (Förarintyg)
6-8/5Tuesday + Thursday evening courseSign up
Inshore Yachtmaster Diploma (Förarintyg)
10-11/5Saturday - SundaySign up
Inshore Yachtmaster Diploma (Förarintyg)24-25/5Saturday - SundaySign up
Inshore Yachtmaster Diploma (Förarintyg)10/6 + 12/6 Tuesday + Thursday evening courseSign up
Inshore Yachtmaster Diploma (Förarintyg)14-15/6 Saturday - SundaySign up
Inshore Yachtmaster Diploma (Förarintyg)28-29/6Saturday - SundaySign up
Inshore Yachtmaster Diploma (Förarintyg)30-31/8 Saturday - SundaySign up
Inshore Yachtmaster Diploma (Förarintyg)6-7/9Saturday - SundaySign up
Inshore Yachtmaster Diploma (Förarintyg)13-14/9Saturday - SundaySign up
Inshore Yachtmaster Diploma (Förarintyg)20-21/9Saturday - SundaySign up
Inshore Yachtmaster Diploma (Förarintyg)4-5/10Saturday - SundaySign up
Inshore Yachtmaster Diploma (Förarintyg)18-19/10Saturday - SundaySign up

Do you have any questions?

Please contact us via the link below 

Visiting address: Saltsjöbadsvägen 77-79, 

13335 Saltsjö-Duvnäs

Mailing address: Stallvägen 1, 13335 Saltsjö-Duvnäs 

Phone number: 08-7167140

Mobile number: +46 705 641 620