in need of a boat berth?


Rent a Yacht berths/Spot one day-, week-, month or the hole season may -september.

Our packages

Guest Spots Short term

Fee for normal-sized boats:

24 hours: SEK 350

A week 1900 kr

Fee for larger boats with length Greater than 12 m length & wider than 4 m

24 hours: 400 kr

A week 2400 kr

It is fine to rent space per month (subject to availability).

Guest Spots all season May-Sept:

 ABC Sailing School / ABC Marina offers a boat berth for the entire season May-Sept.

The moorings have Y-bars on either side of your boat. Various large boats are gathered in different departments at ABC Marina's dock facility in Saltsjö-Duvnäs.

We can normally offer space for boats with a length from 4 meters up to 16 meters.

Requests for a quotation! Email or call +46705641620.

Visiting address: Saltsjöbadsvägen 77-79, 

13335 Saltsjö-Duvnäs

Mailing address: Stallvägen 1, 13335 Saltsjö-Duvnäs 

Phone number: 08-7167140

Mobile number: +46 705 641 620