Sailing school Children & Adolescents

ABC Seglarskola now offers two courses for children and adolescents with dinghies.
The courses are conducted in Saltsjö-Duvnäs. It's small groups. The course is adapted to the group. Step 1 or 2.

The goal is for the participant to learn how to manoeuvre a sailing dinghy and gain an understanding of the different ways of sailing. Great emphasis is placed on seamanship. The sailing days have alternated boat practice and exercises on the jetty and in the clubhouse.

Course length & Price

5 days

Monday at 09:00 – Friday at about 16:00

Step 1 or 2

Price: SEK 4,500 
Number of participants: 4 - 10

10 dagar

Monday at 09:00 - Friday at approximately 16:00 + the week after Monday at 09:00 - Friday at approximately 16:00 Saturday or Sunday

Step 1 or 2

Price: SEK 8,200 
Number of participants : 4 - 10


Register here

CourseDateNumber of daysDaysRegister here
5 days course16-20/6 20255 daysMåndag-fredagSign up
10 days course16-20/6 +22-
5 + 5 daysMåndag-fredag +
Sunday - Thursday
Sign up

Visiting address: Saltsjöbadsvägen 77-79, 

13335 Saltsjö-Duvnäs

Mailing address: Stallvägen 1, 13335 Saltsjö-Duvnäs 

Phone number: 08-7167140

Mobile number: +46 705 641 620